Amazing work. Would zap this if I could. Congrats on getting the distance done. How did you feel after?
I have a separate post that’s gone out this morning. Have added this link to that post & will forward-on the sats received from this. You didn’t need to do that. Apologies if the new post steals your thunder. Thanks for documenting your run & the funding process ⚡️
How did you feel after?
It felt like I was really out of shape. I had not run or did much exercise for the past month or two. My legs were starting to cramp up at around 20km, and had to struggle to finish the last km or so. I wasn't really out if breath though, so I think I just need more muscle endurance training. The hot shower afterwards felt great and it feels amazing to run again.
Apologies if the new post steals your thunder.
Not at all, don't apologize. Your post is very well written; I just read it, great job!