Basically, you want to monitor the ability of the LND REST API to return data. You need to set up Uptime Kuma on another machine and create a monitor to your node with some specific settings. I'm assuming the two machines involved are on the same local network.
  1. Install Uptime Kuma on a different Umbrel machine via the app store.
  2. Add a new monitor to Uptime Kuma
  3. add this HTTP(s) endpoint: https://{MACHINE_HOST}:8080/v1/getinfo
  4. click ignore Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites
  5. get the hex encoding of your read only macaroon xxd -p -c2000 /path/to/readonly.macaroon
  6. In the HTTP Options under Headers add { "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon": "<hex_encoding>" }
Click save and it should test the endpoint. Afterwards, connect Uptime Kuma to Telegram to get instant notifications about uptime :)
Feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions to improve the setup.
May also need to checkbox the option for "Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites" or add your lnd.tls to kuma
What about setting up a third machine to monitor the uptime of the second?
Could have them monitor each other.