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Correlation is not causation
But endocrine disrupting chemicals will probably interest you. We've dumped enough of those in our environment for certain animal species to spontaneously change sex and there are clear indications, including causal pathways, that these chemicals significantly affect human fertility too
Atrazine is the #2 herbicide in the USA (banned in the EU), behind only glyphosate (RoundUp).. another nasty gift from Monsanto.
Atrazine use is also growing, because glyphosate is declining in efficacy as weed resistance grows.
321 sats \ 1 reply \ @okpj 7 Jan 2024
Yeah, nowadays farmers have found another use for their stockpiles of glyphosate.
I’m sure this is nothing to worry about…
Buy organic and cut back on grains.
Correlation is not causation
Of course, and no doubt it's a multifactorial cause, but our society has almost completely substituted something entirely novel in place of every traditional effective measure of family formation. If you give even a little weight to the Precautionary Principle, that's very concerning.
its messed up.. i have reduced a lot of chemicals on my washer.. But there is no fucking escape.. whats that phrase like ? humans are the only animal that surrouds themselves of toxic poisons.. Cant really remember it
This might be true. Back to a modest life-style is my goal.
Damn, that's some bleak ass reading, it wouldn't be so bad if people actually transitioned from online, but it seems like people are just chronically online these days.
Even when I'm out at events, footy, hiking, the beach people are on their phones, i don't even bring mine with me anymore. I feel like internet and sugar are the biggest addictions messing with peoples brains
I am guilty of it myself but over the past few years have cut down my social media use and instant messaging, people are annoyed that they have to call me or meet up to see me, lol
And the impact of the porn industry seems to be incredibly large, too. Society needs to get back to basic social behaviour and make tech Your personal slave in a highly ethical environment. Revitalize the family!
Oh for sure 1 in 4 google searches are porn related, and those are just the ones actively looking. Its just another dopamine high that is now part of the mainstream consumption of online content, social media is such a big funnel to porn and younger kids are getting to it earlier and earlier
What I also see becoming massive is the trend of sports betting, it used to be such a niche thing often frowned upon but now you don't need to go to some dingy place, you can just purchase cash vouchers at any store and use an app and I see so many people into it now, and it's having some real negative effects
I was going to create a post about this.
The amount of women aged 45+ that say on their profile...
Don't have children
It's literally so common now, women want a career and life experiences, then they wake up at 45 and are desperate to have a family
Scary 😨
The institutions (principally social) that made having kids not maddeningly difficult have eroded. When I see the contortions my friends make to raise kids it makes me shudder. When I contrast that with what I remember when I was growing up, where the kids were sort of the communal 'property' of the neighborhoods, it makes me sad, both for the kids (who have far more atomized lives) and their parents (who shoulder this weight by themselves.)
I know everyone around here hates the state and wants to live wild and free in an ancap wonderland, but it would be interesting to know how things are shaking out in countries that provide a lot more support for childcare and child-friendliness in various ways. I know nothing about this, so perhaps someone can educate me. My default is to think that the Scandinavian countries would be good places to look, but perhaps there are others.
The family always is one of the important attack vectors of communism. Worked quite well..
Double edged sword- If you see they have kids it's like damn don't want that drama. If you see they don't have kids you think damn that's so sad.
Wages stagnating and asset prices increasing, people therefore having to work more, i.e. less time for social activities, leisure etc. The market (online dating apps) now trying to solve the problem...
Could be a plausible explanation, no?
Also hoeflation.
Come again? Sorry, couldn't resist.