Don't put serious money on it or don't complain if you lose it.
If this federation is shutting down due to the founding of a bigger federation I'll give a 30 day window to withdraw funds to the new federation. Any funds left after that will be viewed as a donation.
Seems like begging with extra steps.
It's more honest to be abundantly clear what happens if the service is discontinued.
For me this is an experiment, not a public service I intend to run past its useful life. Once there are federations with more key holders these would be much preferable to a random online anon holding the deposited BTC.
If you have a good suggestion for where the BTC should be donated to in case people don't withdraw in a reasonable time on shutdown I'm more than willing to send the BTC there. But I won't commit to keeping software I'm not familiar with running forever, because realistically I can't.
Consider setting the expiration date in the metadata field of the federation.
I will, once a shutdown date is determined. I went by the Fedi meta.json and a lot of messing around rather than the docs. That is what works in practice already.