Hello, it is a pleasure for me to greet you and send you lots of good energy from my burrow to wherever you are. I recently discovered Bitcoin 2021 after the great rise during the bull run, in 2020 I heard something about bitcoin, but my ignorance and the blindfold on my eyes about the true functioning of some things in the world and the Economy, did not allow me to look at it, Initially I saw it as something with which you could make money (only in speculator mode), just like the caveman with the fire, not understanding this new magic, my first impressions and experiences were good, I made some purchases and earned a little bit of paper. , but later at the end of 2021 I came out burned with the fire, not understanding the world of digital currencies, I began to play a little bit of everything, at first everything went well, a product of the bullish wave that had been running since 2020, but not understanding anything, I thought "oh this is good and this will go up to infinity and beyond" looking at everything from the perspective with a layer 1 level of thinking. And then came the first Great correction, "There is my Mother, what a scare" obviously being a novice I sold, almost all at a loss, which resulted in the loss of the profits at the beginning of the year, and the loss of part of my capital, which with a lot of effort between my wife and I put together to try to do something more money, but instead of sitting down and crying and saying that bitcoin was a scam, I sat and meditated, I thought, about everything that had happened, all of this somewhat unfounded by some characters who talked about market manipulation and how all financial markets are manipulated, with the detail that if you understand their functioning more or less well, it is possible to obtain returns, that for me was a light, I immediately recognized that my losses were due to my ignorance of the market and everything it made up... "I had to understand better, to make better decisions and thus have better results" - that is my small conclusion. Which led me to focus on just learning about bitcoin, little by little step by step, seeking to combine my study sessions with my life as a mortal, my daily life, work, family, etc... And at the moment I find that I still didn't know anything, I was certainly in complete ignorance of many topics and that was fundamental in the losses suffered in 2021, graphics, analysis, Risk management, tool management, monetary policies, inflation, value per value, money, mining, energy, metals, money lasted, and endless more topics to add... Now I try to attack one topic at a time, or two or three... It depends on how I can develop, I still know and feel that "What I know is a Drop of Water, and everything I ignore in an Ocean" but I don't stop Learning. Adopting the 1% philosophy, I get up every day to seek to advance my 1% of the day in the issues that arise, I am already learning how to organize myself more efficiently and every day I do not stop learning something new, and stone by stone I am building my bridge to the other side, to be able to cross, myself and my family, without anything making us turn back... I have burned all my bridges. Thank you for reading these words, if you are here, greetings, and without anything else to add on this occasion... Thank you Stay awake, and look for the Pagüer 💪😎⚡