Yes. the interesting thing is how "regionalized" this realization of acuteness is, on a global scale. It just now comes to the global north, so now people in the global north start (painstakingly slowly) noticing that this is how this game works: Product control and food control. The global south has been experiencing this for decades.
The world financial structures as they exist, i.e. the IMF and World Bank, would, for decades now, only give credit to global south countries and companies if they presented a plan to generate income in -dollars- to a) pay it back and b) spend in northern countries, if they give over control to northern corporations (in business-speak, "add a trusted co-signer") and d) do not threaten local, northern businesses. (in business-speak, "they should stick to their competitive advantage down there and not try to compete with betters").
That meant that to get approved, it had to be an export-oriented business, solely producing raw food materials, on a large scale, without further refinement.
So agriculture was ONLY approved when it produced exportable crops on industrial scales. So the south makes pineapples, mangos, cocoa, coffee beans, cheap beef and soy, which all get loaded on ships and go to North America and Europe, while locally, nothing much of quality remains. (that's one of the reasons european chocolate is the best in the world, even though it doesn't grow cocoa, while south american and african chocolate is either non-existent or cardboard paper).
Since everything is geared to be exported as a base resource and refined products need to be imported, these loans not only drain money through interest and repayment, they drain money through the need to buy MORE expensive products from the north rather than to make them locally. Also, since the "co-signers" sit in the north, profits from this business also flow to New York, Frankfurt and London. It's all-around designed to enrich the financial industries., and at the end, the ones making the food are left with shit industrial production of raw food, of which they get to eat the worst batch.
What we're seeing now is that the US and Europe are losing the grip on their neocolonies in South America and Africa, so this game is very soon to be up. So it happens what always happens: The imperialists start eating each other instead. The US is now turning Europe into this neocolony to keep this game going. So Europe's industries are drained, the farming complexes as they exist get destroyed.
This, by the way, is how the two world wars actually came about. The thing with princes shot in Serbia or crazy people drunk on world control is window dressing BS; I mean, both happened of course, but they weren't the actual reason all of this broke out.
(And "Davos" is confusing the manager of the country club all the rich people meet with the boardroom. Yes, this is where people who manage all this come to all collude. But like the country club, it provides a service for a structure and bundles their sensibilities by offering boring lectures about it.)
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Very good overview