Hah! You have a list at hand or what? 😆
I like this one:
Much like the Articles of Confederation, sound money was working too well for the elites to allow it to continue.
That hurts me as a simple, common pleb.
working too well for the elites to allow it to continue
That was really poor wording on my part. I meant that the elites put an end to sound money because it was benefiting everyone else. Hopefully, that's how you read it.
640 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs OP 5 Jan
I did read it like that on the third occasion, yes. 🤫
Many of the historical reasons for abandoning the gold standard had to do with funding wars. At a glance, I would also say that's something that has increased since America went off the gold standard.
I doubt Bitcoin ends all war, but sound money is not something war mongers like very much.