I wanted to follow up on this. I just had CitiCard pull from my Fold Acct and Routing number but was unable to get sata-back since it wasn't a card swipe (Fold makes money on interchange).
You are using PayPal Bill pay, hooked up to your debit Fold Card? How are you getting CitiCard to pull from PayPal's BillPay system?
Don't use the fold account and routing number like a checking account, instead Paypal should be charging fold via debit card access.
I just ran this experiment and it worked. Thanks for the update here and this will be my primary setup to earning sats (double cash + fold)
awesome! this is my first month doing this. it takes a few days for the transaction to clear and you can only submit payments during business hours which is strange.
Unfortunately they neutered the spin wheel- before I would collect 25+ spins before a big spend making it more likely than not you could hit 3-4%. Now my goal is pay off big spend every ~Friday AM to use 4 spins from Thurs, 3 spin Friday bonus and 4 spins from Friday.
Then for the next week I spend my daily 4 spin drop on something cheap like a mcdonald's $1 coffee go for broke trying to hit 2x max spend (5k sat max).