I'm just sticking to the idea. Provide spaces, encourage daily interactions and discussion, have a few themed threads going throughout the week alongside the dailys. I got a couple ideas but so far, it's been pretty slow.
I made (see also butchered) a SN ~Music logo so that's in the territory description. (Doubt anyone reads those). Could do with the ability to pin posts ideally.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @mo 4 Jan
I agree, the territory description should be visible. We just submitted a request for it today
The logo look's great 🤘
The new logo does yeah 😜 thanks to GR. My 2minute MSPaint job was an eyesore haha 😅
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @AGORA OP 4 Jan
just spotted a new logo on ~privacy too
Going to look at your logo now.
Bet you regretted that decision 😂😂 cheers for the new one. I loved the tagline.