Also fwiw, I spend at least an hour per day in recent. Not that we should expect other founders to do this, but I do it first thing in the morning, usually immediately upon waking, then check back consistently throughout the day (probably at least 5 times) with one more serious pass before I go to bed lol.
I do this mostly to satisfy expectations, and set a floor, on how posts are received. At some point enough good stuff is in recent that other people will be drawn to wading through it themselves (and get rewarded for zapping the good stuff). Stackers usually catch all the good stuff before I do these days, but I still scrape it regularly out of habit.
Absolutely agree. I try my best to always sort by recent. Imagine you're the boss of a business... Go interact with your customers at every opportunity. Be a face not a faceless entity. Build relationships and people will come to you.