We already live in a world with news where it's MOSTLY fucking bullshit, extremely biased, and manufactured with POOR incentives.
I do my best to NOT follow the stupid fucking news...
We have been living in this sad reality for YEARS already...
All you need is to be GROUNDED to the truth. You can't so much do this with the news... as what politicians say behind closed doors is just not available to you. But we can ground ourselves to the truth when it pertains to scientific evidence (in the limit). Books need to be open sourced, DRM-free and we NEED open-source models that we SELF-HOST in order to parse this modern digital library. Books also have errors in them, but we can correct for errors so long as we have a plethora of information and the majority of it leans towards truth.
We absolutely cannot let AI be built behind closed doors, behind closed source, with "copyright" training materials we "aren't allowed" to access and be locked out of these platforms because we "misbehave" or don't have enough fiat to pay for it.