Oh I love this.
Humans can also post pure biased and erroneous shit. If you do not DYOR - no matter what it's about - you are going to be lead astray eventually.
Personally, if I'm going to dive into a topic, I should be learning and absorbing as much info as I can from all sources, so that when a new bit of information or a new article pops up in front of me (no matter if it's pooped out by a human or by a bot) I better be gaining some intuition so that I can do my own bullshit analysis OR be able to DMOR and pick it apart myself.
But, if I'm just a "surface level" guy and am just reading for fun then it doesn't really matter. The more technical something is, the more it's locked up and depends on my deep understanding to engage with.
In short... we just use the Socratic Method, always Ask Better Questions, never stop learning, expect us to get things wrong (our fault or not) and just keep moving onward.