Thanks to a 25k boosted post yesterday (of which 50% is shared), it’s been decent enough.
Haven’t found a way to tally up the rewards, not sure there’s a view yet, but if I was to hazard a guess, probably at 40-50k sats for the month vs 100k outlay.
Tell a lie LOL, just tallied-up all notifications. ~privacy generated 18.5k sats, of which 12.5k came yesterday from the boosted post. Me needs to drum-up some more engagement.
I think we need another SN Foundry
hmmm tricky, so you need some big spenders/boosters and active creators so to break even 🧐
I’ve personally earned way more from the articles & comments posted there, hence why I thought the figure was higher. So in truth much closer to breaking even. Swings and roundabouts for now.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4 Jan
or just more stackers
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