Because that's what a lawyer told me to do which is what ofac likely stipulates. Technically it's supposed to be specific regions of Ukraine:
Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk
But I don't have that kind of accuracy with the IP range database I'm using.
And you're not geofencing Russia?
I'm geofencing who lawyers tell me to geofence and they did not tell me to geofence Russia. If it wouldn't jeopardize SN's existence, I wouldn't geofence anyone. It's crude, ineffective, and SN is a fucking toy.
Anyone with a bit of courage and common sense would do the obvious thing: geofence Russia instead of Ukraine.
You doing the opposite is disgusting cowardness.
Re: "there are unlikely to be many stackers in these regions", I've given multiple well attended talks in Ukraine, including two during the full scale invasion. One of the well known researchers on Lightning and mempools is living in Kyiv right now, among others.
1222 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 4 Jan
You're right. This is disgusting cowardliness. Even if I'm not making this decision to protect myself, I am a disgusting coward.
I don't follow the war. I don't have anything against any normal person in any of these regions. I'm Persian and these geofences block most of my family from using SN.
I hope this is remedied by going non-custodial, or SN relocating outside of the US, but I don't fucking know to be honest.