I for one dont think there will be toll roads (arent those a government invention anyway?). The market will certinaly attempt to route around them if given the oppertunity. No pun intended. For example on the internet, there is no such thing as "toll websites". with the exception of MSM websites? But they are notoriously unpopular. My point is that the network of roads in the absent of government, might not be too disimilar to the network of the internet. Its mostly free and open?
Maybe you paid a "Road service provider" x amount per month. Someone would allos unlimited miles, others would have limits on miles but be cheaper. I dont think its too far fetched to imagine "Road Service Providers" sort of like how an Internet Service Provider.
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That certainly might be right. I was going to point out that people use toll roads right now when there are free alternative routes. However, those alternative routes take much longer and no one's allowed to build a new road right next to the toll road.