I am fascinated by this topic that almost all of humanities knowledge is on the Internet but there are a few things that are not
  • There is This CGP Grey video about some trivia stuff he found in some old books etc. Really makes me think how much stuff there is out there that is on the brink of being lost forever where nobody bothered to make a video about.
  • The small village where my grandmother lives has a 3 sentence long Wikipedia entry and it mentions none of the villages history (the city hall has a 1 room museum with things that happened in medival times and small old artifacts) and there are a few traditions that aren't findable on the internet either. All of this is irrelevant and insignificant but still fascinating to me that it is impossible to know this without physically going there in 2022
What are things that you know that have never been archived on the internet? Pls let me know
The exact order of twelve or twenty-four words
The first thing I think of is that most of our family histories aren’t on the internet.
Some genealogy sites used to have far more detailed, open content, but internet sleuths often use families trees to infer power & relationships amongst the wealthy / powerful. I imagine genealogy sites were some of the first to get dead-internet'ed or scrubbed down.
An example I can think of is there's a current prominent US governor whose family is very corrupt and powerful in the given state, yet references to her connections via marriage in the fam were recently scrubbed on Wikipedia, literally family obits that mention her also scrubbed.
Also intersting. A lot of personal stories that will never be written about. But they probably don't belong on the internet due to privacy.
I wasn’t thinking about privacy but that’s true, perhaps they don’t belong on the public internet.
Usually its the thing I'm looking for
Theres a $30 bounty for the song Watchtower by Akillezz
Its not on the internet.
Also, the full Oprah Winfrey Show episode where she interviewed Donald Trump.
Scrubbed from the internet.
Oh, pretty sure that's findable somewhere. Maybe on the more obscure parts of the clearnet or something - but gone completely?
I know about an area with old ruins from around 10th century, that only locals know about.
My NSFW videos for sure :> My XOR seeds is another thing that's not online and my backups are not online too (documents, photos etc)
The meaning of life, the universe, and everything...
some stupid computer said it was "42.." Pshh... dumb computer