“ Cell-grown meat is slaughter-free and has been touted as a way to reduce emissions, but current production ain’t cheap (cultured beef costs $17/lb). Plus, it could take a while for consumers to overcome the “ick” factor (Italy banned the meat last year). But if lab-grown startups can scale production and nail the marketing, it might fly. The industry was worth ~$250M in 2022 and is projected to hit $25B by 2030.”
Source: Robinhood Snacks
Really $25B market by 2030? These guys should take a look at beyond meat stock price!!
I haven't looked into it much but I don't see how you can sustainably grow large quantities of meat without an "immune system" to keep the food sterile and not getting spoiled. I guess a lot of antibiotics?
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Major ick factor but why buy more expensive lab grown meat when real meat is cheaper
I would eat it if they could get the costs down and it actually tasted good. I doubt that's achievable though. I'm the furthest thing from a vegan but I can empathize with avoiding / reducing animal suffering.
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I used to eat beyond meat and impossible burgers so I would give it a shot.