sharing my territories muting strategy
currently 6 left for me ( the topics really matter to me ) but I subscribe to some interesting stackers so I won't miss their posts in any territories - trying to read everything might end up reading nothing, how little time we have on our hands each day.
How to Subscribe to Interesting Brains? go to any stacker's page that you find interesting, click the three dots - subscribe to their posts, even comments ( but subscribing to comments could be overwhelming, better just go to their pages to read from time to time )
and occasionally, I would use a new browser to read posts, just to see if there is anything stir my curiosity.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @quark 2 Jan
I still haven't muted as many as I thought I was going to mute 😅 that tip of using another browser may help me to decide on muting more thanks :)
yeah you focus on what you CARE the most, then if you got some extra energy then you tinkle something else - focus is power.
I went on vacation and came back and SN was so different, still getting used to territories
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