Hello, All,
Creating this post to share views and visualizations of Lightning Data.
We have some incredible tools (mempool, amboss, sparkseer, 1ml, LN++, and more) with a wealth of existing views. I'll start with the basics today. But eventually, we'll get to views of data with interesting insights.
What you'll get:
1: A holistic view of LN gossip data, neatly organized. 2: Views and visualization on demand. Just ask, and I'll try creating it if the data exists.
Why I am doing this?
1: I'm building an open-source LN dashboard (plebdashboard), and this would be a good starting point. 2: Seeking your feedback on 'what to visualize' and 'how to visualize.' 3: Using this post as my accountability partner. January's goal: 2-3 visualizations a week.
Node Visualization.
In one place, you can view all the nodes, their total capacity, and the channels they have. The size of the bubble is proportional to the capacity.
Node distribution by Total capacity and # of channels
It gives us an idea of how the majority of public node operators, not surprisingly, have only a couple of channels.