no, unfortunately. I am between ideas. how about you? and I wonder if a Murakami novel has ever made a trip with you?
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I am working on a novel right now, trying to bring it all together. Yes, I read a lot of Murakami's work when I was younger. Norwegian Wood, Kafka, 1Q84, thought after that I became more interested in Kawabata Yasunari and Mishima. I would say Kawabata is the Japanese author I resonate the most with. The sublime and minimal descriptions are other worldy and I can understand why Mishima saw him as a mentor.
I appreciate the recommendations for further reading! From what you say, that should be a great next read. I would love to ask you extensive questions about how your work is going on the novel, but I won't pester you. Only I wonder if you could describe it? either the process or the subject?
No problem - I should probably be working on it now. I describe it to myself as Hermann Hesse meets Holden Caulfield: a world of dreams and youthful discovery, but am reluctant to talk about it publicly too much before I publish as I do not want to give my self the false sense of achievement until I hold it in my hands! I post a bit more over on Instagram.
that sounds like something I could really fuck with, I will be following along on instagram!