An NDA would usually be something that was agreed to, so it's different than a gag order, which is just the court telling you that you can't discuss something.
I was just thinking about what a racket it is that courts can seal a case that's inconvenient for the state and there's not much recourse that the public has.
If there really have been cases that determined that normal people have no obligation to pay various types of taxes, then being able to prevent that knowledge from getting out is a big advantage for the regime.
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283 sats \ 0 replies \ @kytt OP 1 Jan
I was just thinking about what a racket it is that courts can seal a case that's inconvenient for the state and there's not much recourse that the public has.
Absolutely. Happens all the time.
If there really have been cases that determined that normal people have no obligation to pay various types of taxes, then being able to prevent that knowledge from getting out is a big advantage for the regime.
Although there aren't many, if any cases, that say that specifically, the constitutions, case law and statute dance around the truth and are often in line with the constitutions. For example, if I have a right to acquire, possess, and protect property, no matter what form that property is in, whether it's LAND or my LABOR or something else, and it is well-settled that a right is not taxable, then... you can find ways to make the proper arguments.