As an alum, I can say the university's communications are poor at best. I have no inside knowledge of any kind so I don't know if the university is truly run as haphazard and poorly as it appears these days, but it certainly looks bad and then even worse - looks bad consistently. It's not just the occasional mistake, its near constant gaffes. And that is assuming good intent. I personally believe many in leadership positions at the school have quite poor intent. They have been intentionally constraining any conversations, opinions, or people they don't like for years even before the current president to the point where many banded together to form a group so they couldn't be as easily attacked one by one: This is not an issue of the current president, this is a longstanding cultural problem where those who get ahead are the ones who care most about politics, and not advancing the best interests of the students who are often paying an obscene amount to be there. At the end of the day its a service business, and the quality of that core educational service is declining.
Sounds typical of the university system