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Zap to Zero Day 5

Total satsback so far: 19,493 sats (7621 sats yesterday)
Seems like my Zap to Zero posts are doing quite well. It was #10 yesterday.
The 1636 sats means that these sats are included in the 4232 sats now. This might be unexpected and confusing but that's a very simple way to reward good content by simply zapping the good content proportionally at the end of the day. We haven't found a better UX regarding this yet. Also, once you're aware that's the case, I think it's not that confusing anymore?

Total zapped so far: 60.4k sats (20.5k sats yesterday)
I'm starting to feel bad for @Undisciplined. Now even @siggy47 has overtaken him. I even had to show top 6 instead of top 6 to fit him in the screenshot.

XP points gained so far: +22 (+3 from yesterday)
Mhh, I am writing this post so late, I don't remember much what I did yesterday. I tried to fix iOS PWA push notifications some more but I realized I have no idea why it's not working. So we're going to increase our opt-in logging so I can finally figure out what's going on. Then I can ask for clarification what is supposed to work (and how) with more data that backs me up in the WebKit bug report from July 2023.
I also started to watch Fight Club yesterday but I didn't finish. I watched a remastered version so I am not sure if the Fight Club from 1999 was also that well made but this movie has great camera work that they immediately show off in the beginning. I got immediately hooked! I just was too tired and decided I'll finish it some other day (maybe later today?). I also almost forgot about my zap to zero experiment before I went to bed.
I think I stopped watching not long after this scene since it resonated a lot with me but was also quite intense:
However, this scene was also pretty intense and I was really not sure what's going to happen here:
So far, I don't know how I feel about this movie. It's definitely a great movie from the get-go but it scratches on some pretty important topics about human psychology, depression and society in general in a very serious way - or goes pretty deep into them actually. I think when I watched this movie, I'll need this whole year to process what I've seen, lol. This is also one of these movies that you should probably rewatch several times after some time has passed to "really get it" - or at least "get it more".
Have you watched finished that movie already?

I saw Fight Club in the theater when it came out. Was an instant classic at the time. The part that really sunk in with me was already floating around the zeitgeist: The things you own end up owning you. This mantra is what got me into techno-privacy/security/hacking. I wanted to control computers so that they wouldn't control me. In the age of social media and news manipulation, this has reached a whole other level.
You cant only watch Fight club once, its something to be rewatched many times
I am getting it less often! I love when i see that purple line in my notifications.
Personally, Fight club is a 2-hour tutorial on how to make soaps and bad choices. Imagine explaining Fight Club to someone in 1999:
‘Yeah, it’s about dudes beating each other up because they’re mad at IKEA.’
And still, the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club… unless you’re Tyler Durden, in which case you won’t shut up about it.
That territory revenue is pretty sweet :)
I am really not sure if you are serious or joking, lol
Took me 3 hours to decide what I should reply to this
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.