Unfortunately I cannot recall where I found this passage, would anyone else be able to locate it? Since discovering it, I have used it as a mantra or loose framework for my writing practice. I wish my writing was not so solipsistic, but the problem is that experience is often so overwhelming to me.
"I have nothing but myself to write about, and this self that I have, I hardly know of what it consists. I will go in search of it in your presence. I will set down on the page a tale of experience just as I think it occurred, and together we will see what it exemplifies. Both of us discovering as I write this self I am in search of."
Reminiscent to "I think, therefore I am," the idea that 'from out of what I experience we can both learn something' is the base fact that you and I are both experiencing life at once in complexly dissimilar ways, yet we are still able to patch it into a story that we share. I fear we're losing this ability as our realities drift from each other. Do you? Something to think about. . . What restores my hope is information becoming free.