Bruh, ever heard of peer-to-peer? Bitcoin does not need exchanges to function.
In this day and age, a western "democracy" banning something like Bitcoin would only raise more questions. This is not 1933 America which walked into Executive Order 6102 like sheep.
The State would need an extremely strong reason to do it (such as planned massive debasement of currency). That reason would get leaked immediately, spread like wildfire accross the Internet and generally have the exact opposite effect, i.e. p2p usage would skyrocket.
Sure, coins already locked up on exchanges would be captured but have fun going door to door in the most heavily armed society in the world, attempting unconstitutional siezures. You'd get some lead in the face or a surge of boating accidents.
(BTW I can only comment on the first page of the thread because I don't use Shitter.)