The Heat continue on their climb back towards the top of the ABL standings with another series victory. Taking 3/4 games against the Canberra Cavalry. The Heat improve their record to 16-11 and remain in third place in the ABL. 1 game behind the league leading Adelaide Giants.
The series started out on a rough note with the Heat losing the first game a resounding 8-0, but they bounced back nicely taking the next three games 4-2, 6-4 and 6-3. This gives them five consecutive series wins.
The players of the games are:
Game 1- CF Tim Kennelly with 2 hits Game 2- CF Tim Kennelly again with a perfect 4-4 and a walk. Game 3- DH Alex Hall who went 2-4 with 2HRS and 5RBIs (Kennelly again went 4-4 but we need some variety and 5RBIs in one game is no joke) Game 4- CF Odalys Peguero who went 3-4 with an RBI
Go Heat!
Sats for all, GR
Congratulations to the Detroit Pistons for finally getting a win.
Let's hope they take fewer matches to reach another win!
At least the Raps have the excuse of being 3 players down. Haha.