I was not arguing peach is a bad thing, I was asking why someone would use this over bisq/robosats. I get that a mobile UI is compelling for normies but aside from that I have not found anything that makes the product better than the alternatives for me. Thats ok, but I am not making the switch based on «muh swiss privacy» which is not what it was. I am all for competition in the space and more actors is generally a good thing, but I dont understand how a company beeing behind trades gives it any significant advantage, and I dont know how introducing a mechanism designed to increase trust in traders is pushing the bitcoin ethos and if its a good idea. To trust that the company is competent, and to trust this traders reputation seems like a sub optimal solution imho. Having a database over all your trades in the possession of a company that can be subpeonad is something that should be taken into account. its also region locked to EU which again is a huge negative for me. Personally I want to rely on the most robust solutions for my finacial infrastructure and peach seems to not make the cut.