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I know bitcoin is the ultimate store of value and therefore my long term “savings account”. However, I still have a traditional savings account where I keep some money saving in the event of emergencies.
What savings account, if any, do any of you suggest with a high interest yield?
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Ignore the other comments. Its good to have a fiat savings account if you have a family and debt obligations.
I use Capital One savings account. It's 4.3 interest right now. I don't use it a ton because I'm self-employed so I constantly have money moving everywhere all the time.
But I like it because I have my checking, business, and all credit cards with Capital One so its nice to be gaining interest on my savings and I stack a shit ton of credit card points. We just got a $1,200 gift card to Amazon from all of our rewards without paying a dime of interest.
We don't do this kind of wizardry around here, Sir.
We are looking into the same thing. We have a lot of money flowing to different places, pay for vacations, reimbursing ourselves for large purchases, etc - can't continuously be putting those dollars into sats, move to storage, move out, sell, pay taxes ...
That being said, we have not recently found a "high yield savings account" but is on my to do list.
In the long term, you're not going to find a high-interest yield that outperforms putting your savings in Bitcoin.
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