I buy vegan meat with canola oil for my granddaughter. I'd rather she come to my house and learn how to make food based on her impression of food and then see my example of what I eat and I wont eat. "I'll buy this for you, because you want it but I will also let you know that I won't eat it because it is a gradual poison." She can see I'm 53 and in very good physical condition. She can also see my beer cans in the recycle bin and my wrecked car from a DUI. I'd better have some integrity because she can see everything.
I'm not going to advertise my recipe for success because it is a situation that I have to navigate based on my best efforts but I do not recommend it. This is the key. A lot of bitcoin researchers fully understand how shitcoins work because they have done the work and they see what the latest rug pull is because that knowledge is how one educates a shitcoiner. We don't advertise what we know is wrong, evil or scammy because we don't want it.
The greater your integrity is the more powerful your actions are. If you are advertising "alternates" we know they are garbage because we are doing the work, we have done the work and we have seen that the "alternative" is the alternative to Bitcoin only and not fiat currency, which fiat is the declaration by government of what money is. The declaration of fiat is not what the free market has decided. The free market has decided that trade is money (One Eye == Mono + Eye).
If you are experimenting with "crytpo" there are plenty of places to discuss this fascinating subject. Like communism, socialism, and nationalism; "crytpo" reemerges over time and is ready to confiscate your earnings with sophisticated language, fancy marketing and clever influences(ers). Integrity is the key here. You want to be honest and let people know what you are doing. You won't get praise from the Maximalist because the maximalist is a recovering shitcoiner or has been the recipient of shitcoin abuse. Very similar to Alanon (Those who have been in abusive relationships with alcoholics so a maximalist may also be a ShitAnon.)

Here is a story about Gandhi. Gandhi was far from perfect but people were inspired from his actions. Let's pretend he had good intentions.
One time a woman took her son who was eating sweets, candy and sugar all of the time to see Gandhi. She traveled many miles through India and after several days she arrived to where Gandhi was and she was able to see Gandhi. With her son beside her she said, "Gandhi, tell my son not to eat sweets!"
Gandhi smiled and said, "Come back in two weeks."
The woman was shocked. She held her hands together in a respectful gesture, namaste and she left with her son returning home. In her mind she thought Gandhi was messing with her. She knew he was a very spiritually powerful person so she went along with the request. Two weeks later she and her son made the long journey back to see Gandhi.She was not a wealthy woman. In fact this trip, now twice, cost her quite a bit of time and money.
The woman and her son were able once again to have a meeting with Gandhi. Gandhiji, as he was affectionately called, smiled when he saw her and her son. The woman holding her son walked up to Gandhi. Gandhi looked at her son and said, "Don't eat sugar."
The woman looked at her son, then Gandhi. She was mad. "Gandhiji, is that all you have to say? Why didn't you say this two weeks ago?"
Gandhi, again smiled, and he said, "I had to stop eating sugar. I loved eating sweets, too. I could not tell your son to do this if I, myself, was not doing so."

The only reason you know about shitcoins is because Bitcoin woke everyone up to the scam of money that is printed out of thin air! Bitcoin is open source and it is a collective of many previous cryptographic tools that when combined produced Bitcoin. An alchemy, if you will. You can not reproduce this. All branches are merely re-branding and deliberate obfuscation for control of something that is not available to control! No one controls it. It's a discovery. Like many truths there are plenty of circus tents set in front of the source of the truth meant to occult this knowledge. The maximalist wants to uncover the truth. Integrity is the proof of work. It is the key. If you can't afford to buy bitcoin it is because you are not willing to work for it.
All Bitcoin is is a ledger that you can not access unless you have the keys. Accept no substitutes.