I'd either need to be financially capable of never needing to work again. Or alternatively have found a job that paid me more than I get paid now, with less responsibility, and ideally the country id move to would have a lower cost of living. Ultimately giving me more expendable cash.
The job ones not going to happen as I've managed to pigeon hole myself into being kinda good at something very very niche. So lottery win is where my hopes and dreams lie.
Specialty may feel limiting, but can also be liberating! Obviously depends on many factors, but don't think you need to rely on hitting the lottery, whatever metaphorically that is for you!
Couple mil would do probably. Enough to buy a property in a mountainous area. Pay myself a normal living wage. And then just go completely self sufficient and off grid.
Collect my own energy from renewables where I can. Grow my own food. Just strip back down to basics. I reckon a couple mil would enable that.