To be honest, I do think it's a bridge too far. They might try but it will be obviously enough ridiculous.
One part of the game theory regarding this is that they can't put us all into jail (lol). If I would get such a letter (what exactly would be stated in an executive order similar to 6102 but for bitcoin? I have to remember a number I might indeed have forgotten?) I would try to stall as much time as possible. They will not waste their time with people who are willing to waste their time. They will go for the low hanging fruits and the public figures that are obviously heavily involved with bitcoin first. At least that's what I think is most likely going to happen in such a scenario (ignoring that I can't even imagine how such an executive order could look like for bitcoin).
Btw, that's also why I try to take my online privacy serious. Plausible deniability might become a life saver. Don't be a low hanging fruit or public figure.
However, I have to admit, not being located in the US might make me biased. I have zero trust in my country being able to pull of such a thing for multiple reasons on multiple levels.
If I would live in the US and thus have gathered more first hand experience with "American culture" I might be more worried.
One part of the game theory regarding this is that they can't put us all into jail (lol)
True enough. But the lions don't have to kill many gazelles for the gazelles to run very, very fast.