Did you read the thread? I don't think it has much to do with the point you're making.
"on-chain ownership illegal after 30 days, 100k penalty + 5-years in jail"
One of his principal points is that "ban" doesn't mean the thing will cease to exist. Dunno how he could have been be more clear about that.
The state is and always has been remarkably successful in prosecuting people at scale for being naughty, and ruining lives in the process, and a 100% success rate is not required to achieve those ends.
If you think rounding up a bunch of people and throwing their asses in jail or destroying them with legal process is beyond the capabilities of the US Govt then I don't know what to tell you. That's all that's needed for the "ban" described in the thread to play out to devastating effect.
Or so the argument goes. I'm hoping to be convinced otherwise but so far, no joy.