Agree that a lot of people recently have or are gearing up to make illogical emotional decisions.
Not everyone in the USA that lives in "Blue"/democratic area are blind to their issues. All areas have many different pros and cons. One big pro of some "Blue"/democratic areas is they sometimes have much higher incomes and also often have beautiful safe suburbs with great schools. I live in an area like this and have experienced little to no downsides the last several years. Now if I lived in the center of our "downtown" then the story would be very different.
Even single metro areas can be very diverse and have different tradeoffs. One town might have a de facto ban on guns, while one town over loves guns and issues concealed carry permits to anyone with a pulse (real example from somewhere I've lived). When you paint entire people and places with a broad brush you're inevitably oversimplifying at best, if not explicitly incorrect at worst.
The beauty of the US is its almost like a group of different countries smashed together. US States often outright refuse to enforce federal laws on a variety of issues, such as guns, drugs, assisted suicide, environmental regulations, etc. So even if the USA federal government tried to force a CBDC and ban self custody Bitcoin you'd probably see surprisingly minimal impact in many states. But that is my family's agreed red line to move to Texas or Florida, the federal government banning self custody bitcoin and the state where we live agreeing to enforce such a law. Without local law enforcement cooperation it's toothless.
Everyone is different and has different situations, goals, and values. Don't assume your situation applies to everyone and that people who disagree with you are blind idiots. There are thoughtful people weighing their unique tradeoffs on all sides. Please be respectful of them.