As a westerner I think an epic journey would be to go to Asia and get into the massive mountains of Nepal and Tibet. That would put most Euros and North Americans way out of their comfort zone I'm sure. The Rockwall Trail in the Canadian Rockies is pretty awesome. 3 long 20-25km hike days. Plenty of other stuff around there too. There's a ton of stuff in western Canada really. You would feel very isolated very quickly on most of it. If you like coastal trails there's some epic multi day stuff like the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island (Island is 700km long, so it's not small 😂). Most of the popular backpacking routes in the parks you need to apply for a permit, or reserve your campspots. You could easily spend years hiking around western Canada and the USA in areas that few other people go.
Yeah, there are many awesome trails, too!
However, i'm still a very bloody beginner and would like to start small in my home country :D
I'd only do those longer trails with at least one other person though, maybe i'll find someone around my place.
I would research some of the hut routes in the Alpes. At least get comfortable with hiking in big mountains on well known and popular trails. My understanding with lots of the hut trips is you can pack super light because you can stay and eat at all the various alpine lodgings. From there you just start doing more and more solo adventures as your experience grows.
Well, I'd like to keep the costs low, that's why I'm opting for solid gear :D
Sweet. 👍 Get out there and do it. It's a great experience and always makes you appreciate the small comforts of home when you get back. Have fun!