A 7 day self supported backpacking trip is an "achievement unlocked" type adventure. It will change you.
Requires a lot of planning and thoughtfulness, probably something to work up to. It's a lot more fun if you hike in and set up a basecamp in one place, then can do day hikes/ peakbagging missions from there.
I did this a couple times and still dream about those trips. In my home state there are some designated wilderness areas which allow pack animals, and companies that will rent their horses/ llamas/ donkeys. I always wanted to have some beasts carry 21 days of food in for me and do a 3 week wilderness retreat that way. It's cheating a little bit, but I don't know how else to spend that much time out there.
Well, if you combine some form of fasting and lots of dehydrated, high-calorie foods... You can definitely stay out a bid longer I'd say.
Good one, was already thinking about this myself! Although I think that I'd start with a three-day trip first.
hunting/fishing can provide you with enough protein:)
True that!