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He will be verrrrry late today...
Aren't snails always late? Or is it just a matter of perspective?
A Frenchman is sent out to get the ingredients to make escargot for dinner, he dutifully visits the marche to collect snails and garlic.
On the way back he is waylaid into a bar by a friends and after 4 hours of solid drinking is completely plastered.
He races home and as he makes his way up to the front door he trips and his wife, alerted to his presence, opens the door with an angry demeanour; ‘what time do you call this?!?’
The man looks about himself and with the snails scattered on the front step says; ‘come on lads, you can do it, only 6ft to go!’
I gave you more, but just for old time's sake.
Thanks but I definitely do not deserve that!
So how are things going? Any New Years plans/resolutions?
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 29 Dec 2023
I'll give you 1 sat per minute for the next 51 minutes for this
It’s not worth that! Lol
Bed time for me ser..
Day 39 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 3 minutes 15 seconds (Will stick to this till I fix my form towards the end.)
P.S. Get well soon.
Sorry dude. Nice work as always. Still pretty sick, my sets have taken a nosedive haha
Get well soon!
Still ill? Or you feeling fragile after partying like its 1999?
Sick and also traveling, but he's back!!