Hello and thanks again. I think what we can say is that the world is in a surveillance race and a battle to outdo each other. We have known this at least since Edward Snowden that the west has also fallen into this trap. What the article does tone down, however, is the fact that in my opinion China has taken the lead in this race and is being used by the west as a shield and line of argument to introduce the same surveillance systems, if not more stringent ones, as in the european union. And that's why the observation that the western media is playing the game of western politics and exaggerating the Chinese surveillance system is completely correct. What i knew was that a variety of different credit scoring systems similar to ours existed. What I had assumed and that doesn't seem to be the case yet, you're absolutely right, is the bundling and centralization of all this data. Whether this is the long-term goal: i think so. But it won't be any different for us. All in all, bad times are dawning. Thanks again for the article which put everything into perspective a bit. greetings
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Yeah, bad times are dawning. I've already moved to the global south, at least there nobody bothers me to pay with cards and payment systems.