People ask me if bitcoin is over when it crashes again. I'm sorry if you bought at twice the price and now you're forced to sell by some life situation. I think bitcoin is doing well and now offers an opportunity to profitably engage other people again. If you were thinking about bitcoin when it was worth over a 60k, why wouldn't you want it at a much lower price? I understand the lower price is scary → if it doesn't accidentally crash the whole thing. Theoretically it could, but I think it's highly unlikely.
  • 🌕 With bitcoin you risk losing purchasing power, but you are virtually guaranteed that someone won't freeze your money..
  • 💵🔥 On the other hand, with the fiat, you're guaranteed to lose purchasing power, plus the risk of someone freezing your funds.
If you go for it, in a few years people will tell you it's not fair that you bought it that cheap. No one will remember that it was a tough decision.