I really need to migrate away from legend.lnbits.com.
I used it for login as @hn, @unpaywall and @oracle since it was very convenient and easy to use and I didn't want to think too much about safe key storage when I had the idea for these bots. I just wanted to get something going first. And so far, it worked great.
But yesterday and today, I noticed that it started to have uptime issues. Makes me worried that I might lose access sooner than later. For example, currently, it responds with 502 Bad Gateway for me. Sometimes, it also didn't load all wallets I created. And if I lose access, that would be totally my fault since it clearly mentions that it's beta access so there is no guarantee that it will still be there the next day.
But I am not sure where to migrate to. Is there a tool out there into which I can import secp256k1 keys to only use them for LNURL-auth?
Generating a new keypair is not the problem. For delphi, I added login tests where I already generate random keypairs inside the tests using this secp256k1 package (see TestLoginCallback).
So the only problem is how to backup these "raw" keys (I would be fine with something similar to paper backups like BIP39 mnemonics) and use them in a safe manner. I imagine a solution similar to how you have to unlock lightning node wallets.
If there isn't anything out there which I can just use, I am willing to write my own simple "LNURL-auth login wallet" but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there is already something which solves my use case.
update: I forgot to mention that one solution could be to simply host LNbits myself. For increased security, I could host it inside a VPN to which only I have access to. As long as it can make requests to the sites I want to login, this should work fine.
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If something like this really does not exist yet, this just shows again how early we are.
For example, we're also waiting for NextAuth to support Login with Lightning natively. Shoutout to @jowo for pushing LNURL-auth adoption!
Btw, I've seen the post before but I guess I didn't read it properly. Just realized that he even got funded by OpenSats for this.
Congrats and nice!