I really think in that case, the owner should just increase the fee. Let's say someone made 1 post per day with a cost of 100 sats.
At the current sats/USD (~2348), that would end up with a final monthly cost of ~3100 sats or $1.34 USD/month.
Most people aren't posting that often. I personally think posting fees should be higher than that. If a user wants to complain about that cost, then they can stop posting or create better quality content to increase their ROI.
If a user wants to complain about that cost, then they can stop posting or create better quality content to increase their ROI.
Or they can create their own territory!
I have mine set at 21 sats but meta which I posted this in is 100 sats. I think 100 sats might deter some people but not many.
I think 100 sats might deter some people but not many.
Which means it would be working exactly as intended.
Fair point. Someone else made a point about raising posting fee to root out bad actors and then slowly lowering it after they give up posting in the territory. Thought that might be a viable strategy as well. Move it up to 100 sats and if you have no sats farmers for a week then drop it down a bit.