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Getting some indoor plants for my desk has been a very asymmetric investment. Maybe a 250x return, or more?
Because I'm now willing to spend a lot more time there, and the extra hours are adding up. I'm a lot happier too, with some green things to look at.
Next up is a second desk, an analog desk - https://austinkleon.com/2011/06/11/interviews/
Holy shit, how have I not thought of the "analog desk" idea before?
I do have a desk where I only do things when I'm in a certain "mode" -- no work stuff allowed, but also, only a certain kind of creativity. But I think the A/D distinction could add a lot.
I like this analog desk idea.
Highly recommend it! Problem for me is I've accumulated so many paper notes which I need to digitize at some point. To 'merge the 2 worlds'
I'm not a developer but I've been thinking about trying to create an app that could easily digitize 3x5 notecards for this purpose. Seems doable
For sure, I still take a lot of notes with pen and paper. I also have to find a way to organize them.
What plants did you get?
As far as I can tell:
  • zebra cactus
  • common guava
  • spider plant
  • fittonia
  • portulacaria afra
I couldn't help but look them all up. You can grow guava indoors?
zebra cactus
common guava
spider plant
portulacaria afra
I had to do the reverse lookup to find out what they are 🙂
Not 100% sure it's a guava plant but all signs point to yes, I was surprised by that too. I don't think it's going to fruit unless I replant it outside and give it 3 years!
Next time I go the plant shop I will ask them what I'm getting to be double sure. The Fittonia is not doing well, probably helps to know how to take care of them.
probably helps to know how to take care of them
fwiw I've learned to opt for the lowest maintenance plants for the light I have available. I always find a way to over/underwater or over/underfertilize or forget my water has a non-neutral ph. Many of the coolest looking plants are the hardest to take care of.
I'm hoping someone will CRISPR some kind of easy to understand communication mechanism into plants at some point or just make them harder to kill.
my home and office get very little sunlight
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