I say "recorded" music, because live music usually trumps any recording - unless perhaps if you're listening on high end, audiophile equipment.
These days I'm using headphones / earphones almost exclusively and have quite a selection of headsets to choose from - depending on where I am or the type of music I'm listening to. I still have my "traditional" amplifier & speaker setup, but rarely use it.
How about you? Any audiophiles here?
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A nice soundproof private booth
As I'm typing this, it sounds almost like I'm sitting in such a booth listening to Peter Gabriel, but it's really just with descent headphones, lol.
Not sure I'd call myself an audiophile either, but I've been fortunate enough to have experienced many private listening rooms (mainly at high end audio shops) and it really can be something special. I don't see many of those places around nowadays.
I mostly listen in my car or through some low quality company provided headphones on YouTube whilst on my lunch break.
I got some reasonable headphones for gym, but nothing hugely high quality because I don't want to ruin them in the gym.
I'd love to listen to a proper vinyl set up. Hear that scratchy analogue sound all it's beautiful imperfections and character.
But no mostly I listen to digitally touched up best take tracks. And I'm kinda ok with that.
Live is also a preference, where possible.
I'd love to listen to a proper vinyl set up.
A friend of mine is in the "vinyl business" collecting, buying, and selling vinyl records. Naturally, they have a proper setup, so I have the pleasure of experiencing that when I visit them!
Can't beat vinyl, esp old stuff that was originally recorded in mono; But I also think digital music, on demand, is amazing.
The ability to stream whatever tune you want still seems incredible to me....
The ability to stream whatever tune you want still seems incredible to me....
I remember listening to an engineering friend explain to me in the early 1980's how this could be done. Of course he didn't call it 'streaming' and his 'plan' didn't involve the internet as we know it today, but he basically had most of the theoretical details figured out. A true visionary.