#bitcoin  isn’t going to follow the S-Curve adoption rate path. #btc  isn’t a technology like an IPAD, computer, Cell phone - consumerism technology.
Bitcoin is the exact same as when heat, wind, solar, or electricity was able to be harnessed. Bitcoin is a new way for the human species to harness and interact with encrypted and scarce energy.
Then you have to multiply the value of disruptive energy by property rights multiply that by an upgrade of payment/settlement rail / Ledger then multiple this by an unit of account and medium of exchange. Don’t forget store of value.
It’s all scarce and there isn’t enough for everyone. Bullish.
Did electricity not follow an S-curve?
You do realize that this just shows how the word "electricity" has occured in books, right?
Does that mean it’s wrong for usage?
Is that usage or adoption%? I'd be surprised if electricity adoption peaked a hundred years ago.
Doesn’t matter, point is adoption curve for BTC and how it relates