You're right with the wholesale currency. But you're completely off the rails if You think that there is more surveillance in the US than in China. That's sbsurd.
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The US banned Huawei because it could't control chip production and therefore not mandate backdoor surveillance equipment in hardware. Privacy conscious people use huawei BECAUSE of this, while the US is trying to tell us hauwei is the security risk. lmao.
The US national security state is an absolute information vaccum. Has been for 25 years. We KNOW this, there are tons of whistleblowers who told us, from Assange and Snowden on. this is documented.
China has allegations cooked up by the US. Are they surveilling stuff? Of course they are. More than the US? Hardly possible, and there is no equivalent proof in that direction, in any case.
Watch the foreign capital movement out of China in recent months. Then ask Yourself: where would You put Your life savings (if btc wouldn't exist)? And don't tell me You would prefer China of the US.
you realize you just changed the subject because you realize I know things you don't. :)
And of course I wouldn't put my savings into China. I'd never get it out, it has capital controls.
Don't mistake me for an ideologue. I'm not here to talk up or down anything with some religious zeal. I just care about knowing things before judging them, and then, the black and white pattern fades away.
So Dr. ''I know it all'': what do You know about China? Do You have some insights about the libertarian government that is running the most liberal society on earth?