I was never the same after I learned that "girls will be boys and boys will be girls'. Apparently it's a "mixed up, muddled up, shook up world".
Haha sorry. I had to.
this territory is moderated
I would never have guessed. Nice job with the whole stacker sports thing to throw us off.
Yeah, it's funny. We all got a kick out of it back then. It's apparently based on a true story:
“The first phrase was simply something for [Victoria] to sing along to – la-la, la-lah,” he told Radio 4. “I added the transvestite stuff later.” Ray has said this was based on real events, mentioning his dance with a beautiful “woman” when The Kinks played an all-nighter at Bridlington’s Spa Royal Hall on May 8, 1965, and Kinks manager Robert Wace’s similar hoodwinking in Paris that April. As Ray told it to me, it all happened one night. “It was a real experience in a club,” he said. “I was asked to dance by somebody who was a fabulous looking woman. I said, ‘No thank you.’ And she went in a cab with my manager straight afterwards. It’s based on personal experience. But not every word.”
grayruby by day rubygray by night.