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138 sats \ 2 replies \ @987654321 27 Dec 2023 \ on: Update from DarthCoin regarding his absence on SN bitcoin
Thank you for posting this. I wrote a big ass response that is crazy and it is based on the NDE. https://primal.net/e/note1gtcfd7hxv9kw9kkqnlpt06wwh7t02ha0e6kenveg4lkr94x3g83s5r8lvt
Here is the Text:
I read your NDE. Very heavy duty. My wife was from the Soviet Union and she as a young person was a conductor on a train. A gypsy asked her about something and my wife opened her purse. Then the gypsy left.
At home my wife (this is in her early 20s) discovered that all of her money was gone. She was hypnotized. For her she learned how to be skeptical.
I've been studying meditation, occult and philosophy for over 35 years. I've never had an NDE but I've had very wind experiences from meditation and memories from dreams or consciousness developing.
I like the 5 aggregates in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. These are aggregates that make up reality:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skandha )
- Rupa (Form)
- Vedana (Feeling)
- Sannya (Perception)
- Sankhara (Mental Formations)
- Vinnana (Consciousness)
I provided a link above to Wikipedia where the CIA has thoughtfully sanitized by providing just enough truth to set up the circus in front of the truth.
I'm going to walk through these in a way that you will not find written anywhere else because you have to have insight. There are good teachers and writers but this one is from me.
Form: The first experience of my senses is form. This is other than me and most probably is my hand (man means hand) discovering. Or we can say all of my senses. As a child I had shapeless / void dreams that frightened me until I woke up to ORDER (Form).
Felling: My senses discovered the qualities of the FORM. These are the elements of EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER, PLASMA. All things being variations on the theme of form. Feeling is how I sense the form.
Perception: I determine harm and good from the beatings I received from my parents. The rewards I received. The programming and self discovery.
Mental Formations: Once I have built the model based on experience I can see a box and discriminate its size, shape, color and many other features without actually investigating the item. I can also close my eyes and all senses and build models based on the above three data. Extensions of this data are the experiences my life has carried over from other living things or lives. We are alive by the consumption or transfer of energy.
Consciousness: The above 4 build into a model that eventually graduates into awareness of the one doing the doing. This is proof of work.
What is most interesting is the 5 aggregates are all TEMPORARY. These "SKANDA" are building blocks but they are not reality because reality does not change. Huh? Yes, it does.
The Choice of DARTH is significant on many levels. The root for Dharma, Dhamma, Tarot, Torah, Terrain, Dirt, is DHR
Again Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma ). Look at the etymology part.
Here is Arabic Dahr (Falling Down). https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/encyclopaedia-islamica/dahr-in-the-quran-SIM_05000105
Here is the Root for Terra ( https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Terra ).
Just remember that T sound and D sound come from the top of the mouth behind the teeth. They are "dentals". Also vowels in language were implied and later gained phonetics after the consonants. Kind of like the zero came after numbers.
So we have Darth. The Fallen or connected to the dark side of the force. Yin. The Moon.
George (GEO - Earth) Lukas (Luke as in light) was a huge occultists. He was a big fan of Joseph Campbell. The Hero's Journey.
I'll sum this up.
Your experience is valuable. You will in time want to leave and get grounded again. Everyone who is human can be an arahant, bodhisatva (Satoshi), or Buddha. Everyone who is chosen has chosen themselves. A Buddha is an awakened human being. An Arahant is an awakened human being. But they are not awakened because of someone else's work. You are only an awakened one if you have done the POW (Proof Of Work). You must continue to do the work until you are dead.
Why is the Buddha laughing? He is laughing because he knows that everyone is working anyway. They are all just doing shitcoin work, fiat work, work for work sake but not working on themselves! A few times the Buddha would just leave the crowd of shitcoiners and go away. This is when his own enlightenment was threatened.
I'm just using actual ancient language and I am not espousing any type of religion (To Bind Again) or Dogma.
I look forward to reading all of your work and I appreciate your sharing of your path. Dhammapada.
Here is a fun one for you.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherney - Чёрный
https://www.etymonline.com/word/black - black
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dark - dark
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%83%E0%A4%B7%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A3#Sanskrit - कृष्ण - Krishna
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Christ#Etymology - Christ
Now, hopefully you had the patience to navigate this.
Here is the revelation:
☧ = Here is an X and P . In Cyrillic the "p" is an R. Phonetically this is K + R
𓋹 ☥ (Unicode ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh ANKH
The circle is the Sun and the X or Cross is the division of time, constellations, seasons and it graduated from the symbol of the chief who had an axe or gavel. Proof of Work.
Here is the symbol for Yang: https://www.dong-chinese.com/wiki/%E6%98%9C The circle on top is the sun above the cross. Over time this has changed. But the ancient symbol is a circle with a dot.
Sun hieroglyph https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_(hieroglyph)
Sun God Ra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra
TLDR: You will in time want to leave and get grounded again.
Only when you take yourself too seriously.