I left for reasons quite similar to Darth, in summary:
  1. SN is filled with bots and lazy idiots who abuse the system (I call them 'farmers', Darth calls them 'assmilkers'). It's only going to get worse as more people join, and as AI bots become more advanced. And no blocklist will ever fix that.
  2. SN used to be simple, with the main topic being Bitcoin. It was perfect. But now... with the introduction of territories, it's become Reddit v2, with too much noise, spam, and a ridiculous dropdown. TWay too many shitcoiners and "investors", turning this place into a shitcoin heaven. SN now has a ToS and privacy policy, this is not the Bitcoin way in my opinion. And it's just a matter of time before censorship tools are implemented and history repeats itself. As Darth said, Bitcoiners need a strong platform, shitcoins are the most successful attack organized by the fiat world against Bitcoin, so we Maxis need to keep away from shitcoiners as hard as oil and water stay separated.
  3. I never wanted to be an influencer. I've mentioned this multiple times in my old posts and comments. If fame started coming my way, I would disappear. Towards the end of my account, I was constantly getting tagged and DM'ed by users. I don't want to be seen as a celebrity. I want to be a regular pleb like everyone else. The fact that you tagged me in your comment, next to Darth, proves my point. I shouldn't be tagged by anyone, let alone next to Darth, who has achieved much greater things than I have.
Being famous has its upsides, but it can also bring out the worst in people. The more I posted, the more layers of the onion I revealed. I peeled too many layers of the onion and made mistakes along the way. Most people don't know this but I only started to care about Bitcoin and privacy at the middle of 2023. I was a normie shitcoiner not too long ago so my opsec still had many holes and I pissed some shitcoiners off because of a wrong action I took, and doxx/family threats happened. It only takes one wrong action for everyone to treat you like a monster. I've said and done things in the past that I no longer agree with, but changing people's perception of me is nearly impossible. I know my takes are often controversial, but I'm brave enough to stand up for what I believe in, even if I have to stand alone.
Everything has a beginning and everything has an end. I learned from failure and i will use it as a stepping stone. I can't change the past, so I'll keep moving forward. You might catch a glimpse of me here occasionally, but it's only temporary as I prepare to fully transition to Nostr and other destinations :)
I was a normie shitcoiner not too long ago so my opsec still had many holes and I pissed some shitcoiners off because of a wrong action I took, and doxx/family threats happened. It only takes one wrong action for everyone to treat you like a monster.
oooh boy...
how many people did you rug, be honest
Nah, i didn't rug anyone. The mistake I made was sharing a blocklist on SN where I tagged a bunch of users I didn't like (shitcoiners, farmers, bots). Just as I don't like being tagged or drawing attention to myself, I suppose some of those users from the blocklist felt the same way. It's only fair for me to not treat others the way I wouldn't want to be treated. They could have just messaged me privately instead of causing a big fuss, but it's all in the past now.
Most people don't know this but I only started to care about Bitcoin and privacy at the middle of 2023. I was a normie shitcoiner not too long ago so my opsec still had many holes and I pissed some shitcoiners off because of a wrong action I took, and doxx/family threats happened. It only takes one wrong action for everyone to treat you like a monster. I've said and done things in the past that I no longer agree with, but changing people's perception of me is nearly impossible.
I think you just started to change the perception of some people on you with this. Fwiw, I think you're on a good path now.
Really sorry to see you go… safe onward journey.