This place lost a lot now that he's gone. He made it clear he's not posting as anon so I won't imply he is any more. I'm still optimistic that SN is in a transition phase, and I have faith in those plotting its course. Maybe Darth will return when the dust settles. Of course that's up to him.
Agree that he had an impact on here.
The way he stands up for what he believes, his proof of work. I don't think his guides are very good but he definitely put in the work and for some topics the only resource.
I will miss laughing at his dumb takes with zero nuance, and he calling me retarded on multiple occasions.
All the best, Darth.
Let me just say something about his guides. I know the sentence structure might not always be the best, and maybe you don't always get the big picture from them, but I think they are very valuable. I'm not naturally good with tech, and I sometimes get overwhelmed with the complexity of things I may try to accomplish with bitcoin. Darth's guides are for people like me. They provide a clear way to get it done, step by step. I could pick up the theory behind it and nuance later. Without that path I would have been in trouble.
This place lost a lot now that he's gone
I agree that SN feels different without @DarthCoin. I also initially wasn't sure how to feel about him (he also called me shitcoiner several times iirc, lol) but over time, I realized that he might be trying to tell us something [0]. He wasn't perfect in his attempts (he's also just a human) but now I do appreciate his brutal honesty disguised as toxicity - even though I also think he was toxic on topics that he shouldn't have such a strong opinion on. I think he also just wanted to have some fun occasionally, lol.
I think @DarthCoin is just a person that has seen a lot of shit in his life and has now decided that he has seen enough shit - at least on SN.
As you mentioned, I also hope that this is just temporary but I will also not say anything like "He'll be back" since that feels condescending. So I agree with you here, too:
Of course that's up to him.
We don't know if he'll be back and we should respect his choice to leave (like Satoshi).
If anyone wishes to honor his (potentially) final words about SN, read the exclusive SN post he linked to (if you didn't already):
I'm still optimistic that SN is in a transition phase, and I have faith in those plotting its course
Thanks, we appreciate it.
[0] Feels a bit weird to link to a post of mine. As if I am just trying to move attention away from this post to a post of mine. Maybe I am? Who knows, lol.
You raised good points I forgot to mention. Yes, Darth is a human with his faults, like all of us. Two things are sometimes lost about him:
  1. For all his abrasiveness, he paid attention to what you said in the midst of a disagreement. He wouldn't just dogmatically repeat his point. You could have a productive back and forth with him, which isn't always the case with people sometimes described as toxic.
  2. He loved to have fun, and I'll miss that about him as much as anything.
You raised good points I forgot to mention.
No worries. I was waiting for someone to write a good prompt like yours to provide my "official" statement on this matter, haha
Two things are sometimes lost about him:
Good points, especially the first one. Guess I didn't pay enough attention to him, haha
He was cool but onward and upward... 🚀
Too many critics, too impatient to wait for upcoming features that will dampen the noise here. Territories feature was literally JUST released over the holidays. Have some patience y'all.
SN has the potential to be so much more than just a maximalist echo chamber. IMO we will orangepill far more by eating reddit and becoming a defacto town square than being limited to a fancy version of just another isolated niche forum.
Territories and discussions = Shitcoinery now?
(admittedly i have a couple of shitcoin bags but < 1% of my "crypto")
Who cares? Fuck this guy.
He’s right about putting pressure on people for self sovereignty… but tact goes a long way.
Because praise was so rare from him, I would feel like I was on cloud nine whenever he said something nice about my post. He made an impact like no other Stacker
Thanks Darthcoin for all that you did. I think I will give your substack another read in 2024 to grow my knowledge.
While I respect his decision this idea that SN has to be a place where only “maxis” hangout is ridiculous. It’s a social media site where people can share whatever they want and possibly be tipped in Bitcoin for what they share.
The developers of this platform put in a lot of work and they need to make money to cover the costs for maintaining this site. I like the site and the territories. The assmilking for sats will happen it’s money on the internet. The bitcoin miner game is dealing with this very issue. SN will try to stop the bots and AI but you can only do so much. The cost to deploying such tech is so low and the potential reward is enough to try it. This is the reality of a bitcoin infused internet.
Farewell Darth wish you well in the future.
Respect for staying true to his values. Makes me want to make my way through all his guides even more.
I've been thinking something like this was happening.
Much appreciation and respect to @DarthCoin!
Good luck with The Citadel!
Here are some thoughts:
Great word by the way. This is vanity press.
A vanity press is traditionally a place where you pay to have your own book published or your prose or poetry published in an anthology. It is what it is. Today we call the vanity press: "Peer Reviewed Science" but that's another fiat concept.
###Maximalism, Bitcoin
As long as the currency is sats this place is a bitcoin only platform. You can discuss whatever you pay to post in. You also have to have a tiny bit of bitcoin knowledge to post here. Furthermore, you need to have knowledge in order to retrieve your sats. Once you have custody of your sats you can use them via lightning. After some time you can mule those sats to another place let the UTXos accumulate and then have the sats sent to your cold storage as a larger UTXO.
That's a lot of work just for a dumbass. What's nice about having sats on this L3 platform is that they are being used without having to go L1 on Chain, L2 Lightning. It's musical chairs and a vanity press. What isn't?

I'm New

I'm new here. All of this is new here, to me. I like to read and I like to write. I also have been using computers since 1984. I professionally set up combat networks for the Army in the 1990s. I first ran Bitcoin Core in 2013 but I didn't get it. I'm slow.
###Free Market Capitalism, Yeah!
If someone wants to pay to post here they have to send sats to this platform, first. Then that person will pay to post. Good! They are not paying in anything but bitcoin. If the person discusses scammy things, shitcoins or other things that I don't like I ignore them and let that person learn how to make things I am interested in or just pack sand and leave. There are two kinds of payment: Sats or Feedback. Feedback is golden. Maybe that metaphor needs to change. We do it here. At No Agenda we call this: Time, Talent and Treasure (Value for Value (V4V).
Maybe for April Fools the site can be branded Shitcoin News! So what. There is only bitcoin here and FIAT to pay the bills.
This place is a vector for attack. So is breathing. I'm so tired of the fear machine. This goes back to Near Death Experiences. You ain't dead until you are dead. The big rug pull will be the AI clowns that believe their minds will be transferred into machines (trans Humanism). Those clowns will be convinced that their relative or some "influence (r)" has been transferred and sign right up for the covert Soy-lent Green clinic. The clowns will be euthanized as useful idiots. By saying no to clowns you will survive as you are not low hanging fruit.
@DarthCoin is a symbol. He's used an archetype to convey a message. He's also been channeled as we all are. We are asleep and slowly waking up. We get bursts of wake and then back to sleep. Fearlessness is skillfulness and the attack becomes useless because you have to do a lot of work to attack someone who is working all the time on defense.
The dark side and the light side.
Here is a Freemasonic Tracing Board: (below) The floor is where the common people are and they live in a dynamic of white and black, light and dark, yin and yang. Until the people / initiates start to climb the ladder (allegory). The large pillars are black and white. Sun and Moon. If you were uncomfortable with Darth it is not him, it is you, You realize that the black knight has jumped your pawn or maybe your queen!
I will reiterate this: George Lukas (Geo = Earth) (Lukas ~Luke = Light). Skywalker is Horis (What Hour is This?)
The force is real. Satoshi literally means Truth in Person. That's Sanskrit mixed with Japanese. Genesis is the generative principal. Darkness exposes the light.
You said SN is L3. Does that mean that applications built on L2 are L3?
Software that builds on layer N is commonly seen to be on layer N+1
This layer L3 is a giant hot wallet that has transactions not on lightning. I'm not sure exactly how it works but for me to cold storage these SATs earned I need to go threw steps.
  1. Send to my LN wallet
  2. Close channel to settle
  3. Send from LN hot wallet to Cold on chain.
If we build a marketplace on LN we will swap back and forth and eventually settle. The swap back and forth on lightning is possible but it can break very easy with liquidity, channels available and lots of other fun.
I'm not sure exactly how it works
It's just a SQL database keeping track of user balances. But this might change soon when we integrate bitcoin-connect.
Thank you for sharing this. Under the hood is interesting.
As I said in my last post on “SN Saloon” , I got tired of speaking truth when almost nobody wants to hear the truth. Yes are few exceptions of stackers on SN that are paying attention to my words.
Right right.. people who think their words are the truth are close minded idiots. They may be right 99% of the time, but it's impossible to have good interactions with them because 1% of the time they will rather attack you than change their mind.
people who think their words are the truth are close minded idiots.
I think @DarthCoin means with "truth" his truth. Not the truth.
No one knows the truth. So I think it's more about being honest for him - however dumb his takes might be. To not censor oneself just because some people might don't like what he has to say.
But I can see where you are coming from, too.
but it's impossible to have good interactions with them because 1% of the time they will rather attack you than change their mind.
Imho, it depends on your point of view as mentioned by @TwoLargePizzas here:
TOXIC is just a perception. Two different people can read the same thing and have different feelings about it. When I read something @DarthCoin wrote I don't always agree but I always try to consider why he's saying without dismissing it. I ask myself, what piece of the puzzle am I missing? I try to fill gaps in my knowledge by listening to people with more experience than I.
I doubt DarthCoin would be the type to believe that truth is subjective though. No, for Darth he was saying what he believes to be the actual truth, and in many cases, not all, he was right
I think @DarthCoin means with "truth" his truth. Not the truth.
So you say that DartCoin can't express their thoughts accurately? That's an even less favorable view than I had.
No I am not. That's again you reading (more) stuff between the lines of people that isn't there.
Or are you saying there is someone out there that knows the truth?
I think you already made up your mind regarding @DarthCoin and that's okay for me :)
I got tired of speaking truth when almost nobody wants to hear the truth
Lol. You meed to replace "the truth" with "my truth" to make your point, but I'm reading more into it than was said..
Well, don't take everything absolutely literally, I would say to that. Some people don't care enough how others will interpret what they say, some would say to that.
As mentioned, it's not only up to the writer, it's also up to the reader to find the a meaning of what was said written.
Thank you for posting this. I wrote a big ass response that is crazy and it is based on the NDE.
Here is the Text:
I read your NDE. Very heavy duty. My wife was from the Soviet Union and she as a young person was a conductor on a train. A gypsy asked her about something and my wife opened her purse. Then the gypsy left.
At home my wife (this is in her early 20s) discovered that all of her money was gone. She was hypnotized. For her she learned how to be skeptical.
I've been studying meditation, occult and philosophy for over 35 years. I've never had an NDE but I've had very wind experiences from meditation and memories from dreams or consciousness developing.
I like the 5 aggregates in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. These are aggregates that make up reality:
  1. Rupa (Form)
  2. Vedana (Feeling)
  3. Sannya (Perception)
  4. Sankhara (Mental Formations)
  5. Vinnana (Consciousness)
I provided a link above to Wikipedia where the CIA has thoughtfully sanitized by providing just enough truth to set up the circus in front of the truth.
I'm going to walk through these in a way that you will not find written anywhere else because you have to have insight. There are good teachers and writers but this one is from me.
  1. Form: The first experience of my senses is form. This is other than me and most probably is my hand (man means hand) discovering. Or we can say all of my senses. As a child I had shapeless / void dreams that frightened me until I woke up to ORDER (Form).
  2. Felling: My senses discovered the qualities of the FORM. These are the elements of EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER, PLASMA. All things being variations on the theme of form. Feeling is how I sense the form.
  3. Perception: I determine harm and good from the beatings I received from my parents. The rewards I received. The programming and self discovery.
  4. Mental Formations: Once I have built the model based on experience I can see a box and discriminate its size, shape, color and many other features without actually investigating the item. I can also close my eyes and all senses and build models based on the above three data. Extensions of this data are the experiences my life has carried over from other living things or lives. We are alive by the consumption or transfer of energy.
  5. Consciousness: The above 4 build into a model that eventually graduates into awareness of the one doing the doing. This is proof of work.
What is most interesting is the 5 aggregates are all TEMPORARY. These "SKANDA" are building blocks but they are not reality because reality does not change. Huh? Yes, it does.
The Choice of DARTH is significant on many levels. The root for Dharma, Dhamma, Tarot, Torah, Terrain, Dirt, is DHR
Again Wikipedia ( ). Look at the etymology part.
Here is the Root for Terra ( ).
Just remember that T sound and D sound come from the top of the mouth behind the teeth. They are "dentals". Also vowels in language were implied and later gained phonetics after the consonants. Kind of like the zero came after numbers.
So we have Darth. The Fallen or connected to the dark side of the force. Yin. The Moon.
George (GEO - Earth) Lukas (Luke as in light) was a huge occultists. He was a big fan of Joseph Campbell. The Hero's Journey.
I'll sum this up.
Your experience is valuable. You will in time want to leave and get grounded again. Everyone who is human can be an arahant, bodhisatva (Satoshi), or Buddha. Everyone who is chosen has chosen themselves. A Buddha is an awakened human being. An Arahant is an awakened human being. But they are not awakened because of someone else's work. You are only an awakened one if you have done the POW (Proof Of Work). You must continue to do the work until you are dead.
Why is the Buddha laughing? He is laughing because he knows that everyone is working anyway. They are all just doing shitcoin work, fiat work, work for work sake but not working on themselves! A few times the Buddha would just leave the crowd of shitcoiners and go away. This is when his own enlightenment was threatened.
I'm just using actual ancient language and I am not espousing any type of religion (To Bind Again) or Dogma.
I look forward to reading all of your work and I appreciate your sharing of your path. Dhammapada.
Here is a fun one for you.
Now, hopefully you had the patience to navigate this.
Here is the revelation:
☧ = Here is an X and P . In Cyrillic the "p" is an R. Phonetically this is K + R
𓋹 ☥ (Unicode ) ANKH
The circle is the Sun and the X or Cross is the division of time, constellations, seasons and it graduated from the symbol of the chief who had an axe or gavel. Proof of Work.
Here is the symbol for Yang: The circle on top is the sun above the cross. Over time this has changed. But the ancient symbol is a circle with a dot.
TLDR: You will in time want to leave and get grounded again.
Only when you take yourself too seriously.
@Darthcoin spent too much time mired in these comments sections instead of focusing on what he's good at; helping to onboard people who need his help. I don't feel good when I see him providing comic relief for degens in these comment areas. In that regard, I hope he does not come back. But I have a feeling he will, one day.
Damn, I should have forwarded sats to @DarthCoin, lol
He don't need them!
That's part of the joke :)
Afaict, he appreciated these kind of jokes.
Turns out Darth is a bit of a whiner and taking his laptop and going home.
I like Darth but SN needs to grow and evolve in order to ensure long term sustainability. For a guy who constantly preaches proof of work to quit because it isn't his old playground anymore is lame.
Will everything you guys try work, of course not. Will some users prefer the way things were before the reward system changes and territories, of course. Maybe many will. Will you guys have to continue testing and iterating on these ideas, of course.
I don't get the proof of work guy turning tail and running the first moment he doesn't like something. Stick around, share ideas, let's all work to make this place better.
This is not the first time he is “leaving” He will come back when he miss insulting others and his ego needs to see this kind of soap opera posting.
Perhaps, he's completed building his citadel, and is gone for good. Why so soon @Darthcoin?
Good luck on your next endeavours @DarthCoin
He and his posts will surely be missed. Good luck @DarthCoin!
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