I got paid -- "MTGOX再生管財人弁護士小林信明 has sent you ¥x JPY" via PayPal.
The irony is not lost on me. 9 Years of waiting, and Gox comes good. My settlement was just fiat that was left over from sales. I knew from Day 0, NYKNYC. The fiat was trapped when they lost banking access. I do however regret selling that 1 BTC @ $500USD, and having to wait 9 years for payment. I really have no idea where this fiat should go -- probably to the bank to pay my fiat Visa card bills, coffee, food, alcohol, etc. :-(
My Gox story generally has a happy ending, and this journey has been life changing. Despite this, I have not changed my life, work hard at my day job, build things, and struggle like everyone else.
For now: there is work to be done, skills to be enhanced and a world to change.
For those who had a balance in Btc do you know if they also received their balance via PayPal as btc or was it converted to fiat? Also really surprised that they paid out 100% value!
Wow thanks for sharing!