Because of this possibility, I am not a maxi. I stack precious metal and emergency amounts of cash in two physical locations separated by a 5 hour drive. I keep transactional amounts of metal, 1/10 oz gold coins/small well-recognized silver bars + cash, in my go bag.
The concept of trade returning to silver/gold in a lights out scenario is rational, but unrealistic.
I think the order or priorities would be:
  • Canned food, dry food
  • Ammo
  • Access to hunting / fishing areas
  • Solar / Fuel sources
  • Arable Land
  • Cash / Gold / Silver
By the time local economies have sprung up enough for trade to resume, yes Gold / Silver may make a big come back but that wouldn't happen until 6+ months in a total lights out scenario.
There are many other things that will become practically more important, like having the ability to fix / repair things. Knowing how to skin an animal, having reliable fuel sources, etc....
I'm not anti-gold and believe it may be logical to have a few thousand dollars worth as an emergency backup. However until you secured the first things on that list I wouldn't even bother...
Appreciate your opinion, but I know for a fact it is way more than logical. It is highly practical. There is a huge network of people who deal and trade in metal anonymously. I maintain trade relationships locally, nationay and internationally so if we must to go beyond our stores of ammo, dry foods, etc., my family can.
I maintain trade relationships locally, nationay and internationally
Well the scenario I'm speaking about is: "the lights go out and dont come back on". There will be no national nor international contact in that scenario.
I think a situation where there is still power, but no internet is different and more unlikely to persist for more than a few weeks at most.
Except I own a sail boat, sir. I just might travel in your lights out senario. Again, I appreciate your opinion.
Silly q, but how much time does it typically take to get comfortable going out into the open seas?
My pops was in the Navy. I have always been comfortable with the idea of the open seas, so I really wouldn't know.